Why should you be sponsoring tUM*o2 ?

Organizing a party means spending a lot of money.
Therefore, we need the help of sponsors. If you
decide to support us with money, hardware or
anything else, we are happy to give you something
in return.

  • - Presenting your product on the bigscreen
    in front of the audience.
  • - Handing out flyers or displaying posters
    with your product information.
  • - Your Logo on the official Party Tshirt.
  • - Your products as prices for the best

Contact this address for further information:

Michael Keil
Gr�nberger Str.29
69502 Hemsbach


We thankfully acknowledge the support of the following companies that help us run tUM*02:

go64 rockz
[ Go 64 ]

Protovision rockz
[ Protovision - C64 Game development and more ]

Metal Dust rockz
[ Buy Metal Dust - The first C64 + SCPU Game ever ]