tUM*o2 is over.
The Organizers would like to thank all supporters and visitors. You were absolutely great! Have a good start in 2003!
Results are here
Releases are there
Pictures and reports:
Review of the Demo 'Planet Loop' by Madwizards
Crest's Party-Report
the ultimate meeting 2002 report by rob
If you have a report or a picture-archive, please drop a mail to d.fox@untergrund.net
.::. tUM02 Party Oneliner .::.
19:20 tUM*o3 pre-calculations are running!
16:37 cool!
23:19 schlafwurst
20:21 what about the party video? ready @ bp??
12:48 (benjam) vermisse meine cd-tasche mit sample-cds seit tUM*o2.
12:49 (benjam) der 'dieb' soll sich bitte bei mir melden.
12:49 (benjam) oder wenigstens kopien der cds schicken ;)
16:37 (benjam hab sie gefunden)
22:47 Decrunching oneliner . . . . . . . . .
13:43 coding demo please wait
23:38 99% of the newschool demos suck
12:38 tum-home server will be moving soon, stay tuned
02:49 READY.
15:04 bitte checkt mal dies und sagt mir, wovon das rippt ist:
15:04 p3
19:48 currywurst
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